Knowledge Base

How to run multiple instances of MailBee Message Queue

MMQ.exe can be executed with the following parameters:

  • mmq /i "Queue 1" - to install service
  • mmq /i+ "Queue 1" - to install & start service
  • mmq /u "Queue 1" - to stop service if it is running & uninstall
  • where "Queue 1" is the name of the service (you can also use it with net start or net stop commands).

To organize two instances of MailBee Message Queue:

  1. Copy your Message Queue installation directory to a new folder (for instance, C:\Program files\MMQ2).

  2. Specify the path to the first queue (e.g. C:\MMQ Files 1) by changing QueueDirPath value in mmq.ini file located in C:\Program files\MMQ folder.

  3. Run mmq.exe located in C:\Program files\MMQ folder with the following parameter to install & start service:

mmq /i+ "Queue 1"

  1. Specify the path to the second queue (e.g. C:\MMQ Files 2) by changing QueueDirPath value in mmq.ini file located in C:\Program files\MMQ2 folder;

  2. Run mmq.exe located in C:\Program files\MMQ2 folder with the following parameter to install & start service:

mmq /i+ "Queue 2"

NOTE: Message Queue Control Panel does NOT support multiple instances of the service. Thus, please do not use Message Queue Control Panel in case of more than one MMQ instance. You should manually modify mmq.ini file to change the configuration.